Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6...the horrible truth about why I didn't blog for a while

I haven't blogged in forever. Here's why, the end of the week before last, I was super busy and super stressed and you know what that leads to...bingeing. That's right, I am a fat, worthless, pathetic, disgusting pig. I binged all day Thursday and Friday eating thousands and thousands of calories each day! God, I'm disgusting. I also didn't have dance either of those days, making it even worse. Then, last week, I went on a 7 day vacation with my family and ate EVERYTHING. I probably consumed 5,000 calories each one of those days, partially because I didn't want my family to get suspicious and because for some stupid reason I convinced myself I should try to eat local foods, regardless of their fat/calorie content while I was there. Well news flash fatso, I'm pretty sure consuming 5,000 calories a day isn't local tradition!!!!! God I hate myself. Oh, and wait, there's more! We got back late Saturday night and I woke up the next day to TONS of Easter candy, and I basically ate it all. Surprisingly, I only weighed 110.5 after all that and I have no idea how. I tried to get back to dieting today and it was basically a fail. For breakfast my mom made pancakes so I had to eat them so she wouldn't get nervous. And a whole bunch of other stuff went wrong too.

Breakfast: 1 3/4 Pancake (approx.) - 306 calories
syrup: 3 tablespoons - 157 calories

Lunch: dill pickle slices (6) - 5 calories
cottage cheese (1/2 cup approx.) - 102 calories

That already brings me to 569 calories today, 87 over my new budget, 482 a day and I haven't even eaten dinner yet. I suck.

At the top is another picture of the lovely Alina Somova, whom I will never be like because she is a talented, hardworking ballerina who clearly has some freaking self control unlike me

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday diet update

So today was an ok day as far as dieting goes. I had...

Breakfast: 1 1/2 cup of Cheerios - 165 calories
1/2 cup of skim milk - 45 calories

Lunch: nothing!

Pre-dance snack: 1/2 cup of Cheerios - 55 calories
1/4 cup of skim milk - 22 calories

Dinner: 1 piece of meatloaf - 222 calories (ugh!)

Even though this leaves me about 10 calories over my daily limit, I'm not too worried because I had 3 hours worth or dance classes today

I weighed in at 108 after dinner and dance, this is starting to bother me, WHY AM I NOT LOSING MORE WEIGHT!!!!

anyway, sorry about this post being so short, I'm just really frustrated right now. And the girl at the beginning is Alina Somova and she is officially my number one thinspo. She is stunning

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today's diet update

I'll try to do a diet update as often as possible. Today, I read a trick about taking one or two tablespoons of vinegar if your feeling hungry. I tried this but it made me MORE hungry and gave me a stomach ache. So I doubt I'll be trying that again. Today my mother took my brother to sonic while I was in the car! It was sooo tempting because all the fast food smelled really good. My mother kept asking me over and over if a wanted anything but I kept thinking to myself, "Saying no to food is saying yes to thin" and I conquered my temptation! I was happy knowing that as he was filling his body with hundreds of calories worth of chili cheese tater tots and cherry slushie, I had the self control to resist those fatty devils. But during dance class today I was feeling very light headed and sick because I hadn't eaten in almost 7 hours. Normally, this wouldn't bother me but since I am doing all of this for dance, I want to get the most out of every class. This means I'm going to have to find a high energy, low calorie and fat snack to eat before dance. Also, at dinner, my mother made salad (with cheese, croutons, bacon bits, and other salad toppings), potatos, flounder with a lemon butter sause, and ciabatta bread. I absolutly adore potatos and ciabatta bread but I resisted the temptation to have any. Also, I removed the unnessisary salad toppings and ate only lettuce and dressing. But thats not to say that I have been perfect all day :( Today I have eaten...

Breakfast: nothing!

Midmorning snack: 2 tablespoons of vinegar (ewww not doing that again) - 5 calories

Lunch: 1 cup of Cheerios - 110 calories (yikes I thought they'd be less!)
1/2 cup of organic skim milk - 45 calories

Dinner: 1 1/2 cup of lettuce - 12 calories
4 tablespoons of Light Balsamic Vinegarette dressing
2 pieces of pan-fried flounder - 260 calories! (why does my mother insist on making such high calorie and high fat foods and then forcing me to eat them?! This basically ruined my whole day!

As for exercise, I had a 1 hour pointe class today

This brings my final food calorie intake for the day to 482, 18 below my daily limit (yikes that's cutting it close!)

By the way, the picture at the top is just a little ballerina thinspo I use to keep me going, Isn't she beautiful

Yay! I got into an SI (and some frustrating tales of dieting)

hey everyone, sorry I haven't blogged in a while I've just been sooo busy with school and dance. Back in January, I auditioned for a couple of summer ballet programs and I got into one! I get to spend 3 weeks training IN NEW YORK this summer! I am beyond excited. Needless to say my parents and family are less than thrilled that I will be spending 3 weeks surrounded by "damn Yankees" but right now I honestly couldn't care less what they think because bottom line, I'm going. My father has already sent in the check and my spot is reserved! But it's not all fun and games with me right now, I have come to the realization that if I'm going to get as much as possible out of this program, I need to be healthy when I go up there. Even though I have never really be overweight thanks to my metabolism, I eat like a pig. I used to consume almost 3000 calories a day! I know, disgusting. But I'm really serious about changing my eating habits so I'm going to blog a little about my progress. To give you some background info I am 5'6. My highest weight in the past few months has been 125 lbs. (ewwwwww so fat) I try to keep a daily budget of about 688 calories a day with hopes of losing a minimum of 2 lbs. a week. Yesterday I ate...

Breakfast: 1 chocolate chip granola bar - 100 calories
1 cup of applesauce - 194 calories (approx.)

Lunch: nothing (yay me!)

Dinner: 1 cup of romaine lettuce - 8 calories
2 tablespoons of Light Balsamic Vinegartte dressing - 25 calories
1 serving of Chicken Marsala - 529 calories!!!!! (my mother got suspicious and made me eat 529 calories, I feel so fat)

I also had a 1 hour technique class for ballet but I'm not even factoring that in because I doubt I burned a single calorie, we had a sub and the class was so easy

My total: 856 calories (167 over my limit)

Yesterday was pretty much a fail, I weighed myself before dance and was at 106 lbs. but after dinner I was 108 lbs. :(

But today I will do much better. I need to be committed and get healthy

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My First Post

Yay! my first post!

I suppose I should start off by telling the internet world a little about myself. I am literally the title of my blog, a preppy, pink ballerina. I was born into a VERY southern family. You know, complete southerners. They eat fried chicken and collard greens every night for supper, are total republicans, constantly talk about the "good-ole' days when a young ladies had the manners not to forget there white gloves when going to church", and say things like "oh my stars" and "dear sweet lawd jesus" and call everyone "daaaaaalin". Throughout my entire life I have tried to distance myself from this we-are-so-much-better-than-everyone-else-because-our-last-name-is-all-over-important-stuff-cause-we're-southern-royalty attitude that my relatives carry. I try to speak without a southern accent, I don't judge people by their race, religeon or last name, and I have never ever called anyone "daaaaaaalin" and I don't plan to. But there is one thing that I'm not ashamed to have inhereted from my family, and that is my overwhelmingly preppy style. That's right. I'm a lily pulizer wearing, lacoste loving, pink obsessed prep and I'm not ashamed of it. That brings me to the pink part of my blog title. Along with being obsessed with all things preppy, I'm also obsessed with pink. If it's not pink and/or preppy, I probably won't buy it. Another thing that I am is a dancer. I actually just started taking ballet classes a little over a year ago and contemporary classes a few months ago. I am by no means talented, but I've always been a dancer. The reason I am such a late starter again goes back to my family. They tried to force me to play tennis for years because they thought it was a "proper young ladies' sport" (btw I know it sounds like I'm really dissing my family a lot but they really are good people, they just have their flaws) But anyway back to the dance thing, I couple months ago I got put on pointe which was really exciting and I've been working really hard and I'm hoping to move up a level next year. So yeah that's basically me....