Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6...the horrible truth about why I didn't blog for a while

I haven't blogged in forever. Here's why, the end of the week before last, I was super busy and super stressed and you know what that leads to...bingeing. That's right, I am a fat, worthless, pathetic, disgusting pig. I binged all day Thursday and Friday eating thousands and thousands of calories each day! God, I'm disgusting. I also didn't have dance either of those days, making it even worse. Then, last week, I went on a 7 day vacation with my family and ate EVERYTHING. I probably consumed 5,000 calories each one of those days, partially because I didn't want my family to get suspicious and because for some stupid reason I convinced myself I should try to eat local foods, regardless of their fat/calorie content while I was there. Well news flash fatso, I'm pretty sure consuming 5,000 calories a day isn't local tradition!!!!! God I hate myself. Oh, and wait, there's more! We got back late Saturday night and I woke up the next day to TONS of Easter candy, and I basically ate it all. Surprisingly, I only weighed 110.5 after all that and I have no idea how. I tried to get back to dieting today and it was basically a fail. For breakfast my mom made pancakes so I had to eat them so she wouldn't get nervous. And a whole bunch of other stuff went wrong too.

Breakfast: 1 3/4 Pancake (approx.) - 306 calories
syrup: 3 tablespoons - 157 calories

Lunch: dill pickle slices (6) - 5 calories
cottage cheese (1/2 cup approx.) - 102 calories

That already brings me to 569 calories today, 87 over my new budget, 482 a day and I haven't even eaten dinner yet. I suck.

At the top is another picture of the lovely Alina Somova, whom I will never be like because she is a talented, hardworking ballerina who clearly has some freaking self control unlike me