Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yay! I got into an SI (and some frustrating tales of dieting)

hey everyone, sorry I haven't blogged in a while I've just been sooo busy with school and dance. Back in January, I auditioned for a couple of summer ballet programs and I got into one! I get to spend 3 weeks training IN NEW YORK this summer! I am beyond excited. Needless to say my parents and family are less than thrilled that I will be spending 3 weeks surrounded by "damn Yankees" but right now I honestly couldn't care less what they think because bottom line, I'm going. My father has already sent in the check and my spot is reserved! But it's not all fun and games with me right now, I have come to the realization that if I'm going to get as much as possible out of this program, I need to be healthy when I go up there. Even though I have never really be overweight thanks to my metabolism, I eat like a pig. I used to consume almost 3000 calories a day! I know, disgusting. But I'm really serious about changing my eating habits so I'm going to blog a little about my progress. To give you some background info I am 5'6. My highest weight in the past few months has been 125 lbs. (ewwwwww so fat) I try to keep a daily budget of about 688 calories a day with hopes of losing a minimum of 2 lbs. a week. Yesterday I ate...

Breakfast: 1 chocolate chip granola bar - 100 calories
1 cup of applesauce - 194 calories (approx.)

Lunch: nothing (yay me!)

Dinner: 1 cup of romaine lettuce - 8 calories
2 tablespoons of Light Balsamic Vinegartte dressing - 25 calories
1 serving of Chicken Marsala - 529 calories!!!!! (my mother got suspicious and made me eat 529 calories, I feel so fat)

I also had a 1 hour technique class for ballet but I'm not even factoring that in because I doubt I burned a single calorie, we had a sub and the class was so easy

My total: 856 calories (167 over my limit)

Yesterday was pretty much a fail, I weighed myself before dance and was at 106 lbs. but after dinner I was 108 lbs. :(

But today I will do much better. I need to be committed and get healthy

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